WINR VRF - Verifiable Random Function


WINR VRF stands as the pinnacle of on-chain verifiable random number generation, boasting response times under 300 ms. Dive into the architecture of this audited contract and backend, designed for applications across various EVM-based chains. Explore its applications in iGaming, loot boxes, raffles, character damage, and item crafting.

Elliptic Curve Verifable Random Function

The Elliptic Curve Verifiable Random Function (VRF) utilized by WINR VRF is a cryptographic algorithm designed to generate random outputs in a verifiable manner. This section aims to explain the general working principles of Elliptic Curve VRFs in a way that is understandable to a layperson.

Understanding Elliptic Curves

To grasp the concept of Elliptic Curve VRF, it's essential to understand elliptic curves. In simple terms, an elliptic curve is a type of mathematical curve defined by an equation of the form:


These curves possess unique properties that make them valuable in cryptography, such as their ability to facilitate secure cryptographic operations like encryption, digital signatures, and random number generation.

Generating Verifiable Random Outputs

The Elliptic Curve VRF algorithm operates by taking as input a secret key (sk), a public key (pk), and an input (x), and producing two outputs: a random value (y) and a proof (π). Here's how it works:

  1. Key Generation: Initially, a user indirectly triggers generates a pair of cryptographic keys: a secret key (sk) and a corresponding public key (pk). These keys are derived from the properties of an elliptic curve and are unique to the user.

  2. Random Output Generation: When a user wants to generate a random output, they input their secret key (sk) and the desired input (x) into the VRF algorithm. The algorithm then performs a series of mathematical operations involving elliptic curve arithmetic to produce a random output (y). This output is deterministic, meaning that for the same input (x) and secret key (sk), the output (y) will always be the same.

  3. Proof Generation: Along with the random output (y), the VRF algorithm also generates a proof (π) that attests to the validity of the output. This proof allows anyone to verify that the output was indeed generated correctly, without knowing the user's secret key. The proof is generated using cryptographic techniques that leverage the properties of elliptic curves.

  4. Verification: Anyone can verify the validity of the random output (y) and its associated proof (π) by using the user's public key (pk) and the input (x). The verification process involves performing cryptographic operations on the input, the random output, and the proof, and checking if certain mathematical equations hold true. If the verification is successful, it provides assurance that the random output was indeed generated correctly by the specified user.

Importance of Verifiable Randomness

The verifiability aspect of Elliptic Curve VRFs is crucial in various applications where random outputs need to be generated securely and transparently. For example, in gaming platforms like WINR, verifiable randomness ensures fairness in games, preventing manipulation or bias in outcomes. Additionally, in cryptographic protocols, verifiable randomness can be used to generate unpredictable values for enhancing security.

Verification in WINR

In WINR VRF, data generated from elliptic curves is verified by smart contracts before being served to games. This verification process ensures that only data generated by trusted public keys, using correct algorithms, is used in games. No data is served to games without undergoing this verification process, ensuring the integrity and fairness of the gaming experience. Smart contracts perform these verifications based on trusted public keys, ensuring that the data has been generated by authorized sources and adheres to predefined standards.

In summary, the Elliptic Curve VRF algorithm provides a reliable method for generating random outputs in a verifiable manner, leveraging the mathematical properties of elliptic curves to ensure security and transparency in various applications.

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