Evolution from WLP to Single-Sided Pools

The original WINR Liquidity Pool was modeled after the GLP token of GMX and was designed to aggregate multiple tokens into one index-based structure. In this way, all community members can collectively manage liquidity and share in the collective profit and loss. While great in concept, it has been far superseded by a more decentralized model, fitting into the shift towards Arbitrum Orbit as a Layer 3 solution.

In the new system, unlike the previous system, LPs put their contribution into individual single-token pools rather than a shared index pool. Each pool runs its functionality, allowing LPs to collect rewards that are directly proportional to the performance of their deposited token. This new system gives LPs a better allotment of flexibility and control in managing their investment actively by shifting with changing conditions in real-time markets and pool performance metrics to optimize their strategy.

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