Customizable Pools and LP Tokens

Thanks to the decentralized nature of the WINR Protocol, any user can create token pools. This flexibility allows:

  • Game developers and builders create custom liquidity pools tailored for specific gaming experiences.

  • Support for unique tokens, including meme tokens and other community-driven assets.

  • More diverse gaming mechanics, enabling pools to be structured around specialized tokens for innovative use cases.

By enabling permissionless pool creation, WINR Protocol expands its ecosystem, allowing new game formats and token integrations to thrive in a decentralized and dynamic environment.

LP Tokens: LP tokens on the WINR Chain represent a share of ownership in a particular single-sided token pool. When the users add liquidity to any of these pools by depositing their tokens, they get LP tokens for the assets that they have staked. Unlike in the previous model, where multiple tokens were indexed together, each token here has its independent pool, which limits the exposure to only the chosen asset. Correspondingly, 20% of the gains of those pools are reserved for and allocated to LPs in the form of rewards for providing services and contributing to the ecosystem.

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